Athens UniverSSE 2017 Congress : no one left behind!

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Financióse'l 17 / 06 / 2017
£ 4,391
£ 4,336
£ 6,963
76 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 9

    A special thank you on our website

    We will mention your name on our website to show our appreciation for your kind contribution.

    > 08 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 17

    A making of video from us and a special thank you on our website

    We will send you a digital video about the making of the congress with footage and some insights in the creation process. Moreover you will receive a personal thank you note from us and you will be mentioned on our website.

    > 08 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 34

    A bag, a making of video and a special thank you on our website

    We will send you a bag with the logo of the congress and a digital video about the making of the congress with footage and some insights in the creation process. Moreover you will receive a personal thank you note from us and you will be mentioned on our website.

    > 08 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 51

    A t-shirt, a making of video and a special thank you on our website

    We will send you a t-shirt with the logo of the congress and a digital video about the making of the congress with footage and some insights in the creation process. Moreover you will receive a personal thank you note from us and you will be mentioned on our website.

    > 05 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando £ 85

    A t-shirt, a bag, a making video and a special thank you on our website

    We will send you a bag and a t-shirt with the logo of the congress and a digital video about the making of the congress with footage and some insights in the creation process. Moreover you will receive a personal thank you note from us and you will be mentioned on our website.

    > 11 Cofinanciadores

Sobre esti proyeutu

Esta campaña tiene como objetivo recaudar dinero para cubrir los gastos de viaje y alojamiento de los miembros de los grupos de la Economía Social y Solidaria (SSE) que van a participar en el Congreso UniverSSE 2017, así como gastos administrativos.

Necesidaes Infraestructura Mínimu Óptimu
Accommodation and Travel Expenses
We need to cover accommodation and travel expenses for people that will participate in the event and they cannot cover their expenses otherwise. This amount will be used for groups from Eastern Europe, balcan countries and Turkey because we feel strongly (and we know) that groups from these areas are not so well connected to the SSE universe.
£ 2,990
Additional accommodation and travel expenses
This amount will be used for groups from Southern Europe (including Greece) to cover their expenses of travel and accommodation.
£ 1,282
Necesidaes Material Mínimu Óptimu
Administrative expenses
This amount will cover expenses for creating and printing leaflets, posters and signs for the event.
£ 854
Material for Rewards
Costs for bags, t-shirts and the postal service
£ 278
Administrative expenses
This amount will be used for creating a booklet that will include detailed information about presentations, workshops and discussions that will happen during the event. This booklet will be used as a reference guide for the future of the SSE universe in Europe. It will be distributed to SSE groups, as well to those that were not able to participate.
£ 854
Material for Rewards
Costs for bags, t-shirts and the postal service
£ 278
Necesidaes Xera Mínimu Óptimu
Comission for Goteo 4% and for the transactions approx. 1%
£ 214
Comission for Goteo 4% and for the transactions approx. 1%
£ 214
Total £ 4,336 £ 6,963

Información xeneral

UniverSSE 2017 es el 4° Congreso europeo sobre Economía Social Solidaria que tendrá lugar en Atenas del 9 al 11 de junio.

Cooperativas, iniciativas de terreno, organizaciones de la ESS, grupos y personas que trabajan para promover y hacer avanzar la ESS en toda Europa se reunirán durante este evento.

Estos 3 días de Congreso son la oportunidad de debatir e intercambiar ideas, experiencias, expertises y estrategias comunes en torno a la ESS. Consideramos que la ESS es un espacio dinámico que se extiende a toda Europa, en el que las personas organizan su actividad social y económica de numerosas formas distintas.
Este evento es la oportunidad de mejorar la visibilidad de la ESS en Grecia y de construir las conexiones entre las personas, las estructuras y las redes de la economía solidaria a nivel europeo.
Tenemos el agrado también de anunciarles que la 6a Asamblea general del RIPESS EU tendrá lugar también en Atenas en el marco del Congreso.

Características básicas y objetivos

The Congress has 7 thematic zones that cover all the areas of Social and Solidarity Economy. In each thematic there will be discussions, presentations of initiatives and labs.
The thematic zones are:

  1. Concepts, forms and fields of social solidarity economy and cooperativism
    The universe of S.S.E is characterized by a vast range of operations that work in various sectors of the economy, such as food , education, trade, new technologies, alternative financing, communication, tourism and more.
    Horizontal management, role distribution, labour relations, conflict management, social and economic sustainability, networking, marketing strategies, social impact and decision making process are some of the challenges that we want to discuss! And of course some questions: Social Economy? Solidarity Economy? Cooperative Economy? Social Entrepreneurship? What about Sharing Economy?
  2. Responsible consumption, production and climate change
    The globalized neo-liberal system seeks to maximize shareholder profits to the detriment of human and planetary resources, leading to climate change and severe social damage. The broad vision of solidarity economy is based on sustainability and this implies the relocalisation of production and consumption (food, renewable energies, goods, services, culture…) as specified in Sustainable Development Goal 12. Solidarity economy, by implementing this approach, (re)builds solidarity at all levels, empowers citizens to create and implement alternatives in direction of food sovereignty, reconnects rural and urban society, and significantly contributes to fighting climate change (SDG 13).
  3. Practices of SSE on social integration with a special focus on refugees’ issues
    Crisis management or empowerment policies for social groups experiencing exclusion? Can SSE transform the design and implementation of social policy in the direction of solidarity? How is “social work” affected in the context of crisis and what does the mutual help model imply? Bright examples of social solidarity initiatives towards refugees as housing projects from self-organized initiatives and social entrepreneurship will be presented.
  4. Social innovation: Research, technology, education and tools for SSE
    A fundamental part of the social innovation occurring in the solidarity economy is its pedagogic character. Pedagogic in the ways that education-related movements practice teaching and learning and, more importantly, in the way that take part in a movement with transformational impact on the personal, societal and political levels.
    This session would like to explore how social innovation and knowledge production and sharing is practiced in the SSE: How assemblies act as an educational method and how novel pedagogic methods incorporate democracy as educational principle? What is the role of technology for the capturing and reproduction of the manifested social innovation and how the knowledge produced on the ground can be systematised and distributed? What new forms of research and educational institutions are bred by a practice based in solidarity and collective well-being in relation to the public, private and third sectors?
  5. Commons: Approaches and practices on digital, natural, urban, cultural common goods
    The movements for the defense, recuperation and development of Commons, consist of a growing wave of practices of mutuality and a proposal of a social and economic model of organization beyond the state and/or market bipolarity. This thematic aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and self-management of Commons by the communities of their users in various fields – from the natural resources (water, land, food, energy etc.) to digital commons and from the urban space to knowledge production. Moreover, it hopes to enrich the discussion that already has started around the conception of institutional and legal frameworks for the establishment of Commons, in the prospect of radical social transformations.
  6. Public policies (local, national, European level) promoting SSE: From whom, for who, what for.
    Recently, a series of framework laws have been introduced in various countries of Europe (and not only Europe) with the intention to recognize Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), to regulate a number of issues related to the respective entities belonging to the universe of SSE, to define the way through which the state at its various levels (central, regional, local) interacts with SSE.
    To what extent the new public policies enable or restrain the transformative potential of SSE? Are the necessary conditions for the creation of a public space between SSE and the state assured? Are there any examples of local governance with a radical direction? How are local communities involved with the design and implementation of policies affecting their everyday life?
  7. Open space / Free zone
    This thematic is created in order to host any discussion, presentation, lab that does not fit in the above categories.
    Hundreds of groups, that are on the SSE field across Europe, will join the Congress to discuss, exchange practices and experiences, create tools that will inspire the Society and plan all together a common future.
    Our Goal is to Democratize Economy, Emancipate Society and Empower Change.

Motivación y a quién va dirigido el proyecto

Tenemos como motivación la idea de incluir en el Congreso al mayor numero posible de actores importantes en en campo de la ESS.

Distribuidos en toda Europa, existen numerosos grupos ligados a la ESS que trabajan e nivel local o nacional. De manera de construir una red más fuerte entre estos grupos, deseamos crear un espacio de cooperación. Este verano en Atenas, el Congreso UniverSSE tendrá lugar. Será un punto de encuentro para las personas, los emprendimientos colectivos, las organizaciones y los grupos de ESS en toda Europa que obran para la promoción y mejoramiento de la ESS. En el marco de los 7 espacios temáticos del Congreso, debatiremos e intercambiaremos experiencias, ideas, expertises y conclusiones sobre la ESS y decidiremos de cuáles son las próximas etapas para implementar una fuerte cooperación a nivel europeo.

Queremos que iniciativas de todos los países puedan participar e intercambiar sus experiencias, en particular los grupos de países que enfrentan graves problemas financieros y sociales.
Cada uno y cada una tiene su espacio en el universo de la ESS, no importando sus condiciones financieras, no olvidemos que la Solidaridad es uno de los ladrillos para la construcción de esta economía.


Oxetivos de la campaña de micromexenalgu

Nuestro principal objetivo es de no dejar a nadie de lado. Por el intermedio de esta campaña, quisiéramos cubrir los gastos de viaje y de alojamiento de los miembros de los colectivos de ESS que compartirán con nosotros su valiosa experiencia y sus prácticas al participar en el Congreso.
Como estos grupos no tienen los medios financieros para cubrir sus gastos ni las conexiones con otros proyectos, la campaña los ayudará a juntarse con nosotros, cooperar y preparar planes para el futuro de la ESS.

Una pequeña parte será utilizada para cubrir los gastos administrativos, tales como el material de impresión (los posters y los folletos) que serán utilizados durante el Congreso, así como el costo de producción e impresión de un folleto con los resultados del Congreso.

Este último será distribuido a nivel europeo y constituirá una guía de referencia que ayudará a difundir la información y a proporcionar inspiración a la gente para que se junten con el universo de la ESS.

La Solidaridad para nosotros no es sólo una palabra, es una práctica cotidiana en todos los aspectos de la vida.

Los y las invitamos a ayudarnos a hacer de este proyecto una realidad.

Ayúdennos a construir un universo común de la economía social y solidaria en Europa !


Esperiencia previa y equipu

The Greek organization team consists of members of the following groups:
From Athens:

Dock ‘Social Solidarity Economy Zone’
“Dock” is a permanent infrastructure that supports Social Solidarity Economy projects.
Its people are active members in the field of Social Solidarity Economy with constant participation in cooperative ventures, social actions and the networking of the ecosystem.

Hub (Komvos) for the Social Economy, Empowerment and Innovation
Komvos is a collective for the development and empowerment of projects in the field of Social Solidarity Economy. Through the production of programs and exchange of knowledge, it aims at strengthening the operational capabilities of active projects, at the maturation of new projects and the overall expansion of the field of Social Solidarity Economy. Its most recent action was the organization of training seminars for the Social and Solidarity Economy in cooperation with the Simon Fraser University of Canada.

Festival for Solidarity and Cooperative Economy
The Festival for Solidarity and Cooperative Economy, from 2012 until now, contributed in the development of Solidarity and Cooperative Economy in Greece and in its consolidation in people’s consciousness as a reality. Its role is important for the networking of all projects, the synergies and the birth of new initiatives and ideas.

Coordination of KOINSEP in Athens
KOINSEP is the term we use for the social cooperative enterprises in Greece. Their goal is not the profit, but the creation of projects for unemployed workers who with their own forces try, in the crisis, to ensure their daily survival with dignity, while they are presenting another standard of collective living, working and creating.

Nationwide Coordination of Solidarity Schools
It is an attempt to coordinate nationwide the structures involved in education in the field of solidarity, with the primary purpose among others to formulate the accumulated experience. It launched in 2015 with the initiative of the Solidarity School of Mesopotamia, along with the Solidarity School of Keratsini.

Efimerida ton Syntakton – EfSyn (Journalists Paper)
“The newspaper of Editors”, which is issued by the “Cooperative of workers in newspapers and magazines” through the “Independent Mass Media Inc.” and in which the Cooperative is the major shareholder, was formed mainly by former employees of the “Eleftherotypia” and “Sunday Eleftherotypia” – journalists, technicians and clerks- but also former employees of other media.

and from Thessaloniki:
The Initiative of cooperation for Social Solidarity Economy (PRO.S.K.AL.O.) aims to contribute to an action plan that will establish a comprehensive system of work, consumption and life and will lead to the social liberation of human on a sustainable planet.

People’s University of Social Solidarity Economy (UnivSSE)
This is a self-managed cooperative collective, created in Thessaloniki in 2013. It aims to promote education, training, retraining and information of  the participants in ideas, values and principles of social and solidarity economy, direct democracy and synergism.

Co-promoted by Ripess Eu

RIPESS Europe aims to share best practices and engage in joint actions that can expand and enhance the visibility of the Social and Solidarity Economy.
The network aims to bring together stakeholders and organizations in the social and solidarity economy at the European level with the scope to promote other modes of production, consumption, saving and sharing. The goal is in the end to construct more just economic relations and a more solidarity-based development.

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Compromisu social

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

  • Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles

    Lograr que las ciudades y los asentamientos humanos sean inclusivos, seguros, resilientes y sostenibles

  • Producción y consumo responsables

    Garantizar modalidades de consumo y producción sostenibles

  • Alianzas para lograr los objetivos

    Revitalizar la Alianza Mundial para el Desarrollo Sostenible