Athens UniverSSE 2017 Congress : no one left behind!

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Financióse'l 17 / 06 / 2017
€ 5.139
€ 5.075
€ 8.150
76 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 10

    A special thank you on our website

    We will mention your name on our website to show our appreciation for your kind contribution.

    > 08 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 20

    A making of video from us and a special thank you on our website

    We will send you a digital video about the making of the congress with footage and some insights in the creation process. Moreover you will receive a personal thank you note from us and you will be mentioned on our website.

    > 08 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 40

    A bag, a making of video and a special thank you on our website

    We will send you a bag with the logo of the congress and a digital video about the making of the congress with footage and some insights in the creation process. Moreover you will receive a personal thank you note from us and you will be mentioned on our website.

    > 08 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 60

    A t-shirt, a making of video and a special thank you on our website

    We will send you a t-shirt with the logo of the congress and a digital video about the making of the congress with footage and some insights in the creation process. Moreover you will receive a personal thank you note from us and you will be mentioned on our website.

    > 05 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 100

    A t-shirt, a bag, a making video and a special thank you on our website

    We will send you a bag and a t-shirt with the logo of the congress and a digital video about the making of the congress with footage and some insights in the creation process. Moreover you will receive a personal thank you note from us and you will be mentioned on our website.

    > 11 Cofinanciadores

Almost there!!!

02 | 06 | 2017
Almost there!!!

In just 3 weeks we have managed to raise an incredible €4500! A massive thank you to all of our generous donors; we have come such a long way! With only €500 to reach our minimum, we need your help for the last stretch! We can do this!

Please share and donate to the campaign, and help us create the UniverSSE!


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